A project from and with Lucy Wilke and Paweł Duduś with Music from Kim Twiddle
SCORES THAT SHAPED OUR FRIENDSHIP is about togetherness. It’s about attention to detail and fun. Lucy Wilke and Paweł Duduś explore the scope of their relationship, their friendship. Their poetic tendencies, their urge for sensuality and the challenges that build us up in playful interactions.
This cocktail of personalities also challenges the stereotypes and normative perceptions in society and culture that eagerly mark, marginalize and discriminate against everything that is different. We respect our diversity and celebrate the non-normative. This work offers insights into an alternative way of living and being. It shows qualities and values that we wish to be more present in our daily lives.
Together we focus on the embodiment – the atypical embodiment. We embody our memories, our dreams and wishes. We embody beauty. We are beautiful.
Idea & Concept: Lucy Wilke and Paweł Duduś Duduś
Development and Performance: Lucy Wilke, Paweł Duduś, Kim Ramona Ranalter Live music: Kim Ramona Ranalter
Stage: Theresa Scheitzenhammer, Alexander Wilke
Light: Barbara Westernach
Outside Eye: Tamara Pietsch, David Bloom
PR: Kathrin Schäfer KulturPR
Assistance: Maryna Mikhalchuk
Artistic Production Management: Rat & Tat Kulturbüro
Tourmanagement: GROUNDWORKERS / Kira Koplin
Photo: Martina Marini-Mysterioso
Graphics: Ismail Berkel, Martina Marini-Mysterioso

Foto: Martina Marini-Mysterioso
13 February 2020, Schwere Reiter Munich
Funded by the Department for Culture and Arts of the City of Munich. This project is made possible by the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT) with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art, the District of Upper Bavaria and the Cultural Foundation of the Stadtsparkasse München, and is supported by Tanztendenz München e.V.